Hey there! I just want to let you know that I have a twitter account :) So if you would click that follow button on the upper left side of this blog, that would be great haha :D (@hanasaw)
Okay so besides that, now I'm going to share my opinions about the follow back requests that we all tweet to other people.
I understand that all of us wants to be followed back by other people, that's why we tweet follow back requests to people and it's okay as long as they are not bothered by your tweets. But did you know that asking for a follow back is considered as a twitter crime? Yeah, that's right, #twittercrime. Because you are asking (sometimes demanding) them to follow you rather than waiting and see if they are interested into following your twitter account, because it's their right to follow or unfollow people, and twitter is mainly a one way communication. So that doesn't make them have to follow you, don't they?
I knew asking for a follow back is a twitter crime from like a week ago, and that's why I've never asked for a follow back since then. But then someone asked for a follow back and I didn't want to follow him/her back, but I would feel bad if I didn't. So, the point is, by asking for a follow back, you would make them feel uncomfortable (well, this might happen to certain people), and you would be like bullying other people if you're demanding for a follow back.
Eventually, what I'm trying to say is remember your place. You don't have the right to make them follow you, it's their right. And if you're asking for a follow back to a celebrity, make sure to check out if he/she is fine and not bothered by follow back tweets. But sometimes they actually inform you that they would follow you back if you mention them, sooo I'll make an exception for that haha :D
Okay, that is all. It's nearly the end of the holiday :( I'm not really that excited to go back to school because you know, there's homework and exams and such -.- well then, bye :)